We LOVE spending time outdoors! And understand all too well, how nature and each of the elements can positively impact our wellbeing and state of mind – no matter the season.
Autumn is one of our favourite times of the year. The colours, the feeling of change, a sense of downtime and restoration. We couldn’t think of a better time to launch our A/W campaign – EBBVENTURES.
Adventures + EBB & FLO = EBBVENTURES, see what we did there!
We’ve been reflecting a lot on the current climate; the cost of living, rising energy prices, and climate change and fully acknowledge how all the bad news negatively impacts our well-being and state of mind. It can be overwhelming, all-encompassing and, frankly, quite scary.
So, we wanted to invite you to experience our way of living and share some easy ways to help uplift and nourish your mind, body, and soul and score you some brownie points at the same time.
EBBVENTURES will explore a series of mini adventures with your well-being and wallet in mind. There are endless ways to enjoy the outdoors, and the great news is we have an abundance of outdoor spaces to explore already on our doorstep.
EBBVENTURE #1 will see us venturing to the beach for some moonlit escapism. Stay tuned…